Nuaire’s Commitment to Environmental Management Has a Long History
July 2022
Nuaire’s Commitment to Environmental Management Has a Long History.
Lowering our carbon footprint is fundamental to ensuring a prosperous future for the planet, and our strategy is based on tangible, sustainable changes, that is not reliant on carbon offsetting
With some key milestones that include:
- Carbon Trust energy sit audit in 2006.
- Green Dragon environmental standard level 3 in 2006.
- Green Dragon environment standard level 4 in 2007.
- ISO 14001 environmental management system implement in 2008.
- Green Dragon environmental Standard at level 5 (highest standard) exceeds the requirements for 14001 achieved in 2008.
- In 2008 Nuaire installed a plastic bailer diverting 12 tonnes of plastic from landfill.
- Achieves Carbon Trust standard 2.5% reduction in carbon footprint in 2009– first company in its sector the archive this.
- 2012 extended the scope of 14001 to its distribution warehouse.
- 2013 named winner of EEF national environmental efficiency award.
- Became zero waste to landfill in 2015.
- Became a rated company on the Eco Vadis sustainability index in 2019.
- Eliminated instapak for product packaging in 2019.
We aim to stay aligned with the UK Government’s strategy and maintain our market leader status within the industry and are very grateful to be recognised by the Building Engineering Services Association for these aims.