MRXBOX Hybrid Cooling System
Combining heat exchanger coolth recovery and DX cooling into one packaged system, the MRXBOX Hybrid Cooling System helps mitigate overheating in summer months.
This added cooling significantly lowers the temperature of fresh air supplied into the dwelling, helping maintain comfortable internal temperature levels even in city centre apartments on the hottest days of summer.
As well as creating a simple solution to overheating in summer months, units are designed to provide a high standard of indoor air quality year round via high-efficiency MVHR.
Nuaire's new MRXBOX Hybrid Cooling System combines year-round levels of indoor air quality, with the added benefit of summer cooling to mitigate overheating.
Working in conjunction with coolth recovery from the heat exchanger, this added cooling from the cooling module significantly lowers the temperature of fresh air supplied into the dwelling. This helps maintain comfortable internal temperature levels, even in city centre apartments on the hottest days of summer.
Features & Benefits

All in one solution

Healthy Living Environment

Heat Exchanger

Enables Regulations