Supporting Social Landlords
With one in five homes in the UK affected by recurring condensation dampness, it can become a huge problem for Local Authorities.
Buildings are now being made as energy efficient as possible, sealing in the home so that there are limited ways for fresh air to get into the property to counteract the humidity in the atmosphere, causing damage to the property and health concerns to residents.
The only way to get rid of condensation for good is by adequately ventilating the property. With this in mind, it is crucial that social housing providers take affirmative action to protect their residents.
Cut repair costs with long-term solutions
When refurbishing a property, social housing providers need to ensure that the work carried out meets the minimum standards set out in Approved Document F1: Means of Ventilation.
To help social housing providers meet these standards, Nuaire invented the Positive Input Ventilation (PIV) system. The PIV has since become the most popular method of whole-home ventilation, installed in over a million UK homes.