Delivery from Nuaire
Our dedicated customer service team work hard to ensure the highest standards are met so that your goods arrive on-time and in pristine condition. Our logistic partners (Interhaul / TNT / DPD) to name a few cover countries and regions around the world and are FORS approved.
Once your order is placed and ready to be dispatched our customer service team will contact you to confirm when delivery is required and that good can be received on site. These checks are part of a unique commitment to building relationships with customers and understanding their specific delivery needs.
Nuaire’s fully-integrated team of almost 80 staff look after the entire customer process from original enquiry to final invoice, ensuring a complete customer care and delivery package exceeds customers’ expectations.
- All of Nuaire's component suppliers are committed to meeting our schedules so that we can keep our promises to you. Key components such as high-temperature motors and car park impulse jet fans are kept in stock in our UK-based factory, which means that you receive the best possible delivery dates.
- All goods are expertly packed by a professional team so that your equipment is received in pristine condition ready for installation.
- All deliveries co-ordinated to suit your specific requirements and construction programme.
- Specialist team fully conversant with all documentation requirements for a smooth order and delivery service.
- Full members of the UK's Institute of Export.